Saturday 9 July 2016

Bernie’s win on the Democratic platform, lefties for Brexit, and other notable commentary

City Hall preview: Is Quinn the One to Beat?

She’s taken no overt steps to prepare a candidacy, but Eddie Borges in Crain’s New York suggests former Council Speaker Christine Quinn may be Mayor de Blasio’s strongest possible challenger next year. “With the passage of time and de Blasio’s fund-raising under investigation, Quinn’s close relationship with [former Mayor Mike] Bloomberg would presumably not hurt her candidacy, the way it did in 2013.” And while her mentor, Gov. Cuomo, has been making quiet moves for Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, “that could be a Machiavellian move that helps Quinn by peeling off Puerto Rican and Dominican support from de Blasio.” Asked if she’s prepared to run again, one unnamed senior Quinn advisor said, “Absolutely!”

Crunching numbers: US Safety Net Isn’t Shrinking

Forget the rhetoric about how GOP budget cuts are shrinking the safety net for those who rely on government benefits. A new Manhattan Institute study shows the opposite is true: According to Senior Fellow Oren Cass, “America’s safety net is thicker and wider than ever. It costs twice what it did at the time of welfare reform [in 1994] and reaches tens of millions more people.” In fact, “rapid growth in other forms of cash support — the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit — increased by $58 billion.” Yes, there has been a reduction in cash assistance to “able-bodied, non-working adults,” but this has been “an effort to more effectively fight poverty.” For the full article click here 

from democratic dojo

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