Saturday, 21 May 2016

The Democratic race for president

In his May 19 op-ed, “A shared Democratic vision,” E.J. Dionne Jr. missed the point of the Sanders campaign. The system is rigged for the wealthy and connected, and the Democratic Party has shown no willingness to change this.

The total vote outcome would have been better for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and more inclusive with a less-restrictive primary voting process. Many of the primaries excluded independent voters and potential voters who hadn’t registered months in advance. While this was known, it doesn’t take away from the idea that the system is rigged. Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton has more votes, but the voting isn’t over. Mr. Sanders could narrow that substantially or take the lead.

Mr. Dionne wrongly said the core policy differences between Ms. Clinton and Mr. Sanders “relate less to goals than to the speed and means through which they’re achieved.” Until Ms. Clinton refuses money from big donors and Wall Street and forgoes PACs, she is part of the problem, not the solution. Universal access to health insurance is not the same as single-payer health care, and making higher education more affordable isn’t the same as college education being tuition-free. These differences are huge. For the full article click here 

from democratic dojo

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